I have an older sister who has become less active. Over the last 12 years she has gone to church on and off and I believe, nay I know, that she still has a small but strong glimmer of a testimony left in her heart. As I recently read Elder David A. Bednar's conference talk, "And Nothing Shall Offend Them," I couldn't help but to think about my older sister. She has made some hard choices in her life and the people around her have mistreated her and judged her wrongfully and left her feeling offended. Because of her stubbornness she remains offended.
Now I'm not sure if anything I could ever say to my sister could help her, but I am constantly trying to live my life as a good example to her and her kids. After some thinking I have decided that there are other people in my life that I can influence. I can do little things everyday to help my roommates, classmates, and friends not to be offended. One of which is to not offend them. The second great commandment given us from the Lord is to love our fellow men. If we strive to love all of our fellow men we will reduce the hurt and offense in the world. This is a small way we can help others.
I pray that I can search out those who have been offended and as Elder Bednar said, "extend the invitation to once again worship." I also pray that I can have the spirit of the Lord with me in my life so that I can choose not to be offended and remain strong in my testimony of the true gosple.
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